
Pruning the different types of clematis


The clematis is a the maintenance a fairly easy plant. There are several varieties of clematis though. When it comes to maintenance, it is important to know what kind of clematis you have in your garden. One species must be pruned in the winter or early spring and the other only after the plant has flowered in the summer. There are also species of clematis that need to be pruned more than once a year. Clematis pruning can be divided into three different types of pruning groups

Pruning the first pruning group of clematis

The first pruning group is spring-flowering clematis. These clematis bloom in winter or spring. They bloom on the wood that was formed last year. This wood is therefore called old wood. If you choose to prune the clematis in the winter then the growth of the plant will no longer run smoothly. You therefore prune these plants in the summer after these clematis have flowered. These plants do not need to be pruned every year. In fact, they also cannot withstand a very rigorous pruning that some plants do require. The clematis montana, for example, can grow very large in size. Hence, it is recommended to remove a quarter of the shoots about every two years. This will encourage the formation of shoots so that the plant does not become bare at the bottom.

Species that fall under the first pruning group include Clematis alpina, Clematis montana, Clematis cirrhosa, Clematis armandii, Clematis 'Early Sensation' and Clematis macropetala.

Pruning the clematis from the second pruning group

The clematis of the second pruning group are also called the (early) summer flowering clematis. The plants in this group bloom as early as late May and early June. The plants bloom partly on the previous year's wood but also partly on new wood. These are mainly large-flowered hybrids. With this pruning group, it is best to shorten the shoots of the plant at the end of winter. This is because the plant begins to sprout at the end of winter if you cut them short they will sprout into a healthy bud. This will encourage vigorous flowering of the clematis. You can prune back the weak and the twigs that no longer look nice. After the plant has flowered you can prune away some shoots again, which will stimulate renewed flowering.

Several species belonging to the clematis second pruning group include Clematis 'Hagley Hybrid', Clematis 'Jackmanii' and Clematis 'Multi blue'.

Pruning the clematis from the third pruning group

The plants belonging to the third pruning group are the (after) summer flowering clematis. The plants in this group are the easiest to prune. These plants flower out on new wood. They can be pruned back very far in late winter. They can be cut back from 15 to 30 inches from the ground to just above a healthy bud. You can simply say grab the plant together and cut it off all at once. The plant will then sprout on its own.

Species found in the clematis third pruning group include Clematis florida, Clematis viticella, Clematis tangutica, Clematis orientalis, Clematis texensis, Clematis 'Comtesse de Bouchard', Clematis 'Ville de Lyon', Clematis recta and Clematis integrifolia.

Further information about the clematis

The clematis itself is one of the best known climbing plants among vertical growers. If you have a wall or a pergola then it is likely that this plant will grow colorfully against it. The Clematis has many varieties, as mentioned above. Fortunately there is always a species that suits your taste and wishes when it comes to pruning clematis. Originally, clematis is found in many parts of the world, including Europe. The petioles of the plant are very long and look for a place in the height where they can find support.

The plant's colors are also very striking. Among others, the plant comes in the colors blue, purple, pink and white. Two-colored versions of the plant can also be found. If you are looking for a colorful addition to your garden, the clematis might just be the solution. 

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